The organizer of the 10th Junior Eco-Expert Project has been Secondary Technical School for Protecting and Creating of the Environment in Veseli nad Lużnici.
The topic of the project: Human activity and its impact on the environment.
Students have been divided into five international groups and they have worked on such issues:
- Environmental education of children in kindergartens and in the lower grades of elementary schools
- The study of layers of peat and its processing
- Results of flooding and its prevention
- Wildlife around Veseli area
- Architecture and folklore of Veseli area
Volleyball match has been organized by the hosts and they also had the chance to check other participants knowledge about European Union.
After the workshops had ended the ceremony took place where students presented the results of their research. In this part of the ceremony representatives of the Ministry of Education and Protection of the Environment of Czech Republic and Austria have been present.
DOWNLOAD: summary